"Sherry Sims was invited to speak to the female inmates at the Washington County Correctional Facility by the Bartlesville Ladies Connection Jail Ministry in February.

Her story was very well received as she poured out her heart to these precious women. Some nodded in agreement, several wept softly, and many approached Sherry afterwards saying she had told their own story. One woman confided that… Sherry’s story confirmed what she needed to do… to remove 'her Jason' out of her life because of similar ongoing trouble he brought into her life. A number of women also responded to her invitation to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior that day. Heaven will only reveal all that God did through Sherry's transparent, heart wrenching testimony and the authentic way she spoke of salvation, healing, and redemption in Jesus.

May God bless her for her investment and service to the “least of these” that Jesus loves."

Debbie King
Jail Ministry Coordinator
Bartlesville Ladies Connection

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